Information about the VSI/e
The Vereniging of Scheikundige Ingenieurs Eindhoven (VSI/e) was founded in 1994, and has approximately 500 members. Our most important goal is to enhance networking between engineers from Eindhoven and to connect graduates with the TU/e and chemical engineering & chemistry faculty. This network is of great value to our members, both in a professional and a personal sense. Members of our association are constantly getting informed about the ins and outs of our faculty and they can meet each other during reunion events, lectures, or our annual general members meeting. The VSI/e represents chemical engineers who have studied Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at the TU/e.
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Board 2024
Koen Kuijpers - Chairman

Hi! I am Koen Kuijpers, born in Den Bosch and raised in Vught not far from Eindhoven.. In 2009 I started to study Chemical Engineering & Chemistry, of course in Eindhoven. Besides studying, I decided to become active in organizing extracurricular activities, mostly for the study association Japie. Amongst other things, I was part of the F.O.R.T. committee, the board of Japie and I organized a study tour to South Africa.
In 2016 I started my PhD in the group of prof. dr. Timothy Noël. My research focussed on continuous flow (micro)reactor design and scale-up for photocatalysis.
Currently I am working as a process engineering scientist in R&D at Janssen Pharmaceutica.
In my spare time I like to go biking: you can always join me during the annual Maastricht-Eindhoven race hosted by the CE&C faculty. I also like to join a pub quiz.
Robin Willems - Secretary

Hey! My name is Robin Willems. I was Born in Veghel and raised in Sint-Oedenrode, close to Eindhoven, where I live nowadays. In 2008, I started my bachelor in Chemical Engineering & Chemistry at Eindhoven University of Technology. Afterwards, I continued with my master degree with the specialization Molecular Engineering. During my studies I was actively in the Chemiewinkel Eindhoven and several committees of T.S.V. ‘Jan Pieter Minckelers’.
In 2014, I started my PhD within the group of prof. dr. ir. René Janssen, working on the relationship between organic semiconductors and solar cell performance. Currently I’m a senior lecturer in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences.
Besides work and my work for VSI/e, amongst others, I like visit theme parks and play a pub quiz.
Jolanda van Helden - Treasurer

I am Jolanda van Helden, born and raised in Melderslo. In 2011 I started studying Chemical Engineering & Chemistry at the Eindhoven University of Technology. During my studies I was part of the F.O.R.T. committee and the board of Japie.
Currently I am working at Janssen Pharmaceutica as a Chemical Analytical Analyst.
Wan Hon Chu - Board member

My name is Wan Hon Chu, I was born in Hong Kong, and I have lived for many years in the greater-Eindhoven area. I started studying Chemical Engineering at the TU/e in 1988, and graduated in 1994 (at that time as “Ir.”). After working for 5+ years, I had a study break from 2000-2002 to do a fulltime MBA at the RSM (Erasmus university).
During my career, I have worked for various food companies, and I had also started my own innovative food company. Since 2016, I am a full-time interim manager, being able to assist companies to achieve better results and realise sustainable turnarounds.
Since 2022, I have joined the board of VSI. It is my passion to share my knowledge and experience, to inspire others, especially young professionals, to find the right balance for staying on track for a sound career, and not neglecting all the other important things and people in life. "Stay (mentally) healthy, and develop and preserve positive relationships."
Diederik Houtkoop - Board member

My name is J.H.J. Houtkoop, but many know me by my given name Diederik. In 2012 I graduated from our university with the specialization of Process Engineering. In my time as student i was active as treasurer of the studytour committee to Brasil in 2008 and i was part of the 21th F.O.R.T.-committee.
After my studies i didn't start a job in the chemical industry, but no worries about that. In my spare time im busy with scuba diving. As PADI Dive Master i'm allowed to teach others this beautyfull hobby.
Timon Roose - Board member
Hi! My name is Timon Roose and I am chairman of T.S.V. 'Jan Pieter Minckelers'. Because of this I also have the honor of joining the board of VSI/e as the only student in this board. I am originally from Tilburg, but of course I moved to Eindhoven for my studies. I started my bachelor in 2020, and finished my bachelor in 2023 just before starting my board year.
In my spare time I like to play guitar and read, but during my board year the focuss has been on running the association and joining as many of the activities as I can. In this, I am supported by six other board members so I can't complain. I hope to see you at future VSI/e activities!